Saturday, September 13, 2008

Days 91-96

This week I tried to take it easy. Sometimes I feel like I'm being a wimp, but unless you've had major shin splints, you would not think I was being so wimpy! I'm happy to report that the rest has paid off.

I ran 4 miles on day 94. The weather was cold. I'm not used to running in the cold air. It was a nice run, nothing major.

Day 96
workout: 18 miles
For one, this is insane!!! I can't believe I am able to do this. I've been a couch potato for so long that I wasn't sure this was really going to be possible. I knew I could walk it, but running is a whole different story. I am pleased to report that I ran nearly the whole thing, have to stop at aid stations (water & food set up along our route) and red street lights.

how I felt: This is where the shin splint recover has come into play. They didn't hurt that bad at all. I paid more attention to how my foot hits the ground and it has made a big difference. Don't let your heel hit first. I did get a couple of blisters on my toes and my knee is still giving me some trouble, but overall this has been the best long run since I ran 8 miles for the first time. I was even able to walk up my front steps without dying. OK, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but my kids would tell you that was what was happening.

I only have 1 more long run that climbs in mileage. In 2 weeks I will run 20 miles. After that we start tapering back. I guess they think if you can run 20 miles, then you can also run 26.2.

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