Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 89 & 90

Day 89

Workout - 10 miles
Chris and I went really late after meetings and work. From our house to the MTC is 5 miles. So we went there and back. I twisted my ankle once and nearly face planted it. I tried to work on my running form. By the end I was completely running on empty.

Day 90 - rest day
For once, in many weeks, I woke up and I wasn't in a ton of pain. I felt better than I have in a long time. I don't know what it is. For a couple of weeks now I've hit a mental slump. It's been hard to even want to run, granted I think that had something to do with the pain that I've been in. But I think that I'm coming out of it. I don't think I've ever worked so hard for anything. It's been physically and emotionally difficult. But it's getting closer and I'm hanging in there. It's getting more exciting the closer it gets. Now if I could just raise the rest of the money then I might be doing a bit better also!

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