Thursday, October 16, 2008

Countdown to Race Day!

I fly out to San Francisco in a few hours.

The only workout I will have between now and the race is a 20 minute team run in San Fran.

I'm worried about the bathroom breaks. Some people have said that last year they had to wait 10 minutes in line. I'm worried if I stop for 10 minutes I won't be able to get moving again.

I'm also worried about the last 10k, since I haven't run that yet. At this point I guess there is nothing I can do about it and I know I can walk a 10k. I'll crawl in if I have too!!!

26.2 miles is a very long way!

Amidst all my worry, I really am excited and know that this is probably the biggest thing I've accomplished since my kids were born.

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